Estrogen Supplement Review and Comparison

$5.90 Bottle Of Estrogen Versus $34.95 Bottle Of Estrogen

I’ve received multiple messages from you guy  viewers asking why our Estrogen product specifically “Estro~Surge”  was so expensive,

estrogen review

versus the other estrogen product like this ” Herbal Esrrogen Pill “,

When I ask you guys for reference, one main product kept showing up again and again




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Excuse my language but that stuff is basically crap when used alone… It kinda works but it needs other ingredients to make it more effective.

It needs the hormone boost that we provide in Estro Surge. Not to mention it’s most likely full of rice sugar (malto-dextrin) they use that as a filler to cut costs

(We never use fillers here at , Jungledog Labs or Transformations Labs ). There product Is also coming from Thailand and shipping from other countries is a pain in the ass (at best) it can sometimes take as long as 2 months to arrive.


I know this first hand because I just got into a jam with my Chinese distributor 2 weeks ago due to some storm that hit the north eastern seaboard.

They created a lot of work for me. So, how can you stay on your daily regimen if you don’t know when your next supply is coming in?.. Overseas shipping sucks plain and simple


How Does Estro~Surge Works Compared To Other So Called Estrogen Supplements ?

how to increase estrogen fast OK, that being said, let me try to explain how our stuff works as opposed to just using one component as in the case with Pueraria Mirifica (or Kwao Krew Kao).

Transformations Labs have spent months dialing in the correct proprietary blend of components to create Estro-Surge.


Not only does the correct blend matter but the percentages are very important also. We use only components that work well with each other and complement each others effects.

AND, we have spent weeks working out the perfect percentage of each ingredient so as not to use too much (or, of course, too little) since when it comes to something as tricky as human hormone manipulation efficiency is everything.

transformations labs, jungle dog labs,

The human body has receptor points that active hormone-creating cells and these receptors can become “filled” quickly”

if particular hormone manipulating supplements are used in too high dosage or used with other ingredients that target the same receptor.

However, when these receptor points are targeted with the precise amount of stimulator, magical things happen (which is why I love physiology and the endorcrine system)!

We have worked hard to find just the right combination and percentages so that each ingredient works independently of each other and, most importantly, works together.

Each component is mixed in a percentage so that it is impossible to “fill” receptor points too quickly and also work together to target completely different receptor points, thereby stimulating even more estrogen boosting energy in the cells.

This is something that our competitors are not even coming close to. We have the best and most efficient & effective stuff out there, unquestionably.

Estro~Surgeestrogen pills is hands down, the best product on the market today when is comes to increase estrogen.

I just had a customer write 3-4 days ago to tell me that on his first month he put on 1 1/2 inches in his bust size. Seriously – first month.

No-one else can make claims like that because no-one else is putting in the time, the science, the chemistry and physiology work that it takes to actually make a workable hormone manipulator.

And, not to mention, a manipulator that is 100% legal (that’s the trick, anyone can make illegal drugs that work phenomenally, but those days are over).

No one else is taking the time, Transformations Labs does 😉

I have seen the other crap out there, I have seen their ingredient listings and each one has at least one (and most often many) fatal flaw in the design.

I have to admit that Some come close but I would love to see their percentage breakdown – I can almost guarantee that our product beats even the second best hormone booster by double the efficiency and effectiveness. It’s just not as easy as most people think.
It’s very difficult to explain and I just can’t even attempt it on eBay

They don’t even bother reading or trying to understand how our product works, they just eliminate it.

If you have made it this far reading this, please don’t get discouraged by flood of low quality hormones on the market these days .
It is sincerely discouraging when I see people buying some of the other crap out there. They’re wasting their money and potentially discouraging to others from their journey.

We help to encourage those to find their way and with our products they will find satisfaction and success in an easier, more comfortable and gradual shift toward their desired self.

Some people are dissuaded from the doctor-route for reasons of social discomfort, money, insurance restraints, etc. ; many have written to tell us that the drugs were just too harsh, too fast, too uncomfortable and our product helps.

When people buy the other crap out there, it really makes a difference for the worst for some people (and, quite frankly, it gives our all-natural hormone manipulators a bad name by association).

It’s too bad the bigger companies don’t take a little more time and a more scientific approach to their supplements… It effects everyone.

Well, I hope you have a great day! Share this post And if you haven’t already done pick up a bottle of Estro Surge .Talk to you soon!

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