Quality Link Exchange

Tblockers.com averages

  • 6,500 unique visitors per month
  • 200 per day
  • Visitors view an average of 7 pages
  • 1% bounce rate
  • 5:22 average session duration

Bring these kinds of visitors to your site and help this resource grow by swapping banners with Tblockers.  Your banner will be rotated in a prime spot on the home page.  links will be displayed on our Links and partner page

(IMPORTANT NOTE: Please do not attempt to “hotlink” the banners.  The Tblocker link or banner must be hosted on your server.  I will return the courtesy and host your banner on mine.)

To add your link to the Links section at Tblockers, please fill out and submit the following form. Out of fairness, I ask that you provide a link back to TBLOCKERS.COM in return. Please include the address where this link can be found in the blank for “Reciprocal Link”. I have included sample verbiage and banners below this form for your convenience. All links are hand-reviewed and WILL be deleted for violations.

[ctct form=”17275″ show_title=”false”]

Sample Verbiage:

Tblockers: A free TV/CD/TS/TG site that provides hormones, estrogen, testosterone blockers, guides, links and DIYs tips for transitioning.