Dangerous Curves



Dangerous Curves Synergist – Created to enhance the strength & effectiveness of the already most popular, hottest selling, highest rated ‘Transgender Support Capsule’ on the market! Transformations Labs is there to help you find your way!

This synergist is made specifically to work WITH our Test Blocking and our Estro Boosting Supplement System (also found here).

Our commitment to serve our community has brought us to the latest innovation and advancement in Transgender supplements. If your goal is a curvier, more appealing bust line with thicker, fuller hips, a more delicate vocal range, larger cup size, less muscular build with thinner, lighter body hair; look no further. Dangerous Curves Synergist is finally here!

Dangerous Curves Synergist has been designed and developed by Transformations Labs – the leader in all-natural hormone manipulation.

Our product has been designed to work synergistically and seamlessly with our Estrogen Booster & Testosterone Blocker kit.

Used together with our original formula, the results you have been seeking as a transgenerded individual have never been better, stronger & faster!

We have designed Dangerous Curves with you in mind! Each life changing capsule contains a full dose of an all organic proprietary blend designed to boost your femininity even further!

It is also packed with a new ingredient that only Transformations Labs is using to help you suppress even more of the characteristics that you don’t need!

We could have stopped there but we went even further! We have designed Dangerous Curves Synergist with a full dosage of our special all-natural enzymatic inhibitor that inhibits P-Glycoprotein – the substance that naturally eliminates our supplements from your body!

That’s right, with Dangerous Curves your body will continue to utilize our products longer and more efficiently!

Our studies show that with Dangerous Curves you’ll receive up to 500 – 1000% more bio-availability with each daily dosage and a much higher absorption rate! All this means that you will find the results you have been seeking faster, efficiently & with a more pronounced effect.

This product has been designed to work with and complement the effects of our Estrogen Booster & Testosterone Blocker.

We highly recommend that all three are taken together for optimum effects.